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Due to the lag in the server, we will be moving the server to a new location.

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RTCW Master Server Is back!! Smile


 To use demo toggle

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To use demo toggle Empty
PostSubject: To use demo toggle   To use demo toggle Icon_minitime28/07/10, 07:46 am

bounce bounce bounce;1250#Download there it is just copy to ur main folder and when in game exec the cfg, then just hit the f 5 key when u wanna start or stop recording. Saves them in ur snd4mod folder or whatever server ur on under numbered format eg. demo000 demo001. Then for easy playback and sorting I use the;2826#Download then I can just click on one and it loads! Just wanted to post seeing as i noticed some don't know how As well forgetting to set clients back to 0 makes for a laggy game lol . bounce bounce bounce
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To use demo toggle
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