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 Maps Automatic Downloader

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Freedom Fighter
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PostSubject: Maps Automatic Downloader   Maps Automatic Downloader Icon_minitime10/09/11, 02:15 pm

Maps Automatic Downloader Banner_small
This program will automaticly download a map FAST if its missing in your wolfenstein main folder.
It supports all version of wolfenstein.
From author:
Maps Automatic Downloader LogoClick To DownloadMaps Automatic Downloader Logo

Maps Automatic Downloader Logo

Last edited by Storm on 13/09/11, 09:45 pm; edited 2 times in total (Reason for editing : Links update)
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PostSubject: Re: Maps Automatic Downloader   Maps Automatic Downloader Icon_minitime11/09/11, 03:05 pm

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PostSubject: Re: Maps Automatic Downloader   Maps Automatic Downloader Icon_minitime11/09/11, 10:47 pm

Good program but s4ndmans version is better. We were using 50 mb maps and up, they were downloading in under a min in game no need for shut down....:O
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PostSubject: Re: Maps Automatic Downloader   Maps Automatic Downloader Icon_minitime12/09/11, 06:51 am

This program made by S4ndman for wolfie is a little bit better then the other.......

Rtcw map downloader (breezie)
1. shuts down wolf to go online and get map then start wolf again
2. host speeds are at about a 2mb max / sec
3. many maps we tried were not in list but can add by sending a link
4. only maps. No updates skins/bots/soundpaks ect......

S4ndmans http downloader
1. does in game download no shut down
2. speeds are closer to 4 to 5mb max / sec
3. so far the map list has contained what ever we have tried but again can send a link to add to database
4. yes i have a fast net connect but honestly can say that i spend more time looking at the level screen (picture for level) then at the download bar Very Happy this with a 50 mb map!
5. has updates/diff paks/sound/skin ect... inc in database as to insure no game server downloads

Just download extract to a directory run the injector looks like a needle before wolf...prob better to make a shortcut and inc in your startup menu but up to you...and thats it enjoy blazing fast download speeds of all your needed wolfie stuff Very Happy

Hope this helps!

Link is a direct link to S4ndmod map site the downloader is in the list lol

Http_downloader by S4ndman

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Freedom Fighter
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PostSubject: Re: Maps Automatic Downloader   Maps Automatic Downloader Icon_minitime12/09/11, 04:37 pm

yes this http downloader is super awesome but work only with s4ndmods
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Freedom Fighter
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PostSubject: Re: Maps Automatic Downloader   Maps Automatic Downloader Icon_minitime12/09/11, 09:05 pm

LOL, the DL speed has to do more with the slots avialable in the server. It is obvious that the main s4ndmod servers not also are they the hosts, but if you played in any of them, they have passed from 20 slots to have 128 slots. That was like 4 years ago, so instead of leaving all slots open, they closed half of them, so your download runs faster. The number of dls for a map can be configured in the server.

Is the dl faster out of the game? Yes always, since you dont share a slot with another player for a faster dl. These type of programs should be checked if they are allowed for the game or not. Some patches are made for an original game and some are for a cracked game, they work diffrently and they key gen can be corrupted if you dont be careful. Not even reinstalling again the game could solve this in case of a corrupted key gen.

It takes around to 3 or 4 min to dl a new map of a 35MB. The other reallity is that most maps (95%) don't weight 50MB, they are under 24MB. If you have more than 60 maps, you will see what I mean. I'm missing around 20 maps that are jump maps in majority, but the thing is that those maps are not the legal ones, thay are just simple maps that have been constructed by a player.
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PostSubject: Re: Maps Automatic Downloader   Maps Automatic Downloader Icon_minitime12/09/11, 11:15 pm

LOL kermit this is made for the mod ...and has nothing to do with slots lol http downloader is set on a host server on www not a game server. S4ndmod's site host this page and just to let you know i have around 23 of those 50mb+ maps. In game downloading is a thing of the past back to 5.6k modems lol. I mention this program seeing as your mod is based on S4ndmod then a map downloader made specifically for this mod should be of interest but do as you will..................nothing changes lol
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Freedom Fighter
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PostSubject: Re: Maps Automatic Downloader   Maps Automatic Downloader Icon_minitime13/09/11, 12:21 am

LOL I guess some need to research their info:

Pages: 42 - Files: 617 - Database Size: 3.6 GB

So if most maps were over 50MB I guess, it should be heavier. And yes, I'm aware that this mod is not an of a derived Mod that you know as s4ndmod, its originally in that case with the AOD mod.

So in that case... are we looking in the worng places? Just to let everyone know, S4andman, was a AOD player, before he founded his own clan. And for the record, they were also the first ones to use AB and WH in this game. Smile
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Freedom Fighter
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PostSubject: Re: Maps Automatic Downloader   Maps Automatic Downloader Icon_minitime13/09/11, 12:44 am

[quote="Kermit"]Just to let everyone know, S4andman, was a AOD player, before he founded his own clan.[quote]
That doesn't prevent the guy of being the real author of S4ndmod.
S4ndmod is an improved development of wolfenstein original mod. and he works with a programming team (Agent, L0 And others) on developing S4ndmod. After ID software has realsed the source code of the SP and MP modes, those codes have developed their own based on wolfenstein mod. thats the reason that in order to play in a s4ndmod based server you DONT need to download the mode nor convert your wolfenstein.
You need a programming knowledge to develope or improve a mode.

Regrading to the maps auto-downloader that I posted. it works for our server and the author says it works on all versions of wolfenstein.

Regarding to s4ndman's downloader, I haven't tested in on our server, does it work?
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PostSubject: Re: Maps Automatic Downloader   Maps Automatic Downloader Icon_minitime13/09/11, 05:54 pm

Yes storm works a little bit faster then the other, hence pointing this out.

LOL for the record of what no one cares about this, also if your so well spoken guess you would understand my post not make up your own lol.
You take your facts to serious.

Now what i get from this is

1. scared lilttle man who gets feel big by using big words thinking the rest of the world is stupid.
2. Sexual preference (explains itself) hence most of this bickering(should comit go for the change! they may do it where your from. lol! I found you a site
3. Possible daddy issues

Its a game enjoy it or not just stop crying about it.

As per Kermit go censored argue with someone else, was just posting some help didnt need you up on your high horse day lil man you'll fall and break something. As per s4ndman(travis) damn then maybe you should make your "own" mod not just rename or change numbers in his Twisted Evil just a thought.
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Freedom Fighter
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PostSubject: Re: Maps Automatic Downloader   Maps Automatic Downloader Icon_minitime13/09/11, 07:27 pm

sorry I had to remove the link because of what it contains, we both know why.
I hope you wont take it personal Smile

Guys I am not sure if I followed you right but S4ndman workes under the GPL terms of releasing the source code of wolfy mod Smile
Actually releasing the source for free development is one of the main factors that kept this game alive in my openion.. but for how long? I wonder Smile

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Freedom Fighter
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PostSubject: Re: Maps Automatic Downloader   Maps Automatic Downloader Icon_minitime13/09/11, 10:28 pm

Well its going to be intresting to see what mod they come up with. I've been seeing Kap. braun lately.

The s4ndmod mod should work perfectly in our server. As I said, before S4ndman (player) did this mod (witfh other players), he did also did part of the mod of AOD, when the codes were realese, it was AOD who first constructed all mods (objetive, flag point, instangib...). Some do know why the separation of this player was made from his original clan. The problem was that he needed some more knowlage than just setup the server, thats why he told Agent to join him. But yes, the answer is that, all mods are derived and based on AOD mod. Razz

Anyone can change names and codes, or even create them from cero, its not ilegal, I think most have read the terms of the realese. And yes storm, that was the main reason why codes got public, to make the game survive Razz
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PostSubject: Re: Maps Automatic Downloader   Maps Automatic Downloader Icon_minitime02/11/11, 06:26 pm

Hi all,

Just wanted to let you know i'm a regular player on the goldrush server and i am also the creator of RTCW Map Downloader. I want to set some things straight:

- s4ndman's version injects additional code in the game while it's running. that's the reason why the maps are being download in-game
- it's a very good idea, but however, this will not work on a punkbuster server, since punkbuster will think it is a cheat
- i wanted to make my application compatible with all rtcw versions. s4ndman's version only works with 1.0 while mine works with every version (1.33 and 1.4), as long as in-game downloads are enabled.

i'll explain to you how it works:
1) when rtcw starts the in-game download mechanism, a temporary file is created in the rtcw "main" folder.
2) RTCW Map downloader detects the creation of this file and sends the "quit" command to rtcw console
3) map starts downloading from one of the mirrors you can find on my website
4) RTCW Map downloader restarts the game and auto-connects to the server you were previously playing

This has one advantage/disadvantage: RTCW Map downloader relies on external websites for the PK3 downloading. This means the download speeds are dependent of the mirror RTCW Map Downloader is downloading in from and is thus, out of my control.

If you have any questions, suggestions let me know! Smile
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PostSubject: Re: Maps Automatic Downloader   Maps Automatic Downloader Icon_minitime02/11/11, 06:29 pm

Btw, on modern systems, the time that is lost by closing down and relaunching the game is negligible in my opinion Smile it goes very very fast
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Freedom Fighter
Freedom Fighter

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PostSubject: Re: Maps Automatic Downloader   Maps Automatic Downloader Icon_minitime03/11/11, 12:39 am

Thanks for dropping by breezie and thank you for these very details.
I actually recommend the breezie version after testing, its also easier for installation and comes as a single file.
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PostSubject: Re: Maps Automatic Downloader   Maps Automatic Downloader Icon_minitime03/11/11, 01:55 pm

Storm wrote:
Thanks for dropping by breezie and thank you for these very details.
I actually recommend the breezie version after testing, its also easier for installation and comes as a single file.
thanks Smile

I've added a link to ffclan on the mainpage of rtcw map downloader Smile
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Freedom Fighter
Freedom Fighter

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PostSubject: Re: Maps Automatic Downloader   Maps Automatic Downloader Icon_minitime08/11/11, 02:49 pm

awesome Smile
and here will be added link to the rtcw section of breezie site btw Smile
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