Hi, i saw that master server was down and the servers list are gone, we dont know how long it will be, or if its forever.
Here a tip for add manually servers for players that can't join or dont know how, or for make it easier to the rest of players.
I took my screenshot from my wolfi's screen, its in spanish but i guess there are same window in english version, with the buttons in same place.
Click 'New favourite' (1) and in the new screen that appear, click in 'Name' (2) and write, for example F or FF or FF server.
Then click in 'IP Adress' (3) and type the ip serv adress > and then click in 'Ok'
The last step its make sure that in 'Source' (4) are selected 'Favourites' (to change it because will be selected 'Internet' source).
If in the first chance doesnt appear then click in 'New list'. For sure they will.
From now will show added servs.
Easier and more comfortable than to write /connect etctec everytime we want join.
If the master server come up again, easy, in 'Source' (4) select 'Internet' and then 'New list'.