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 How I can delete the PunkBuster of my wolfy?

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Posts : 55
Location : Santiago, Chile

How I can delete the PunkBuster of my wolfy? Empty
PostSubject: How I can delete the PunkBuster of my wolfy?   How I can delete the PunkBuster of my wolfy? Icon_minitime01/02/12, 08:38 pm

seriously i can...i install pb to prove the new colors but that suck... i hate the pb n please help me !!

thanks Smile
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Freedom Fighter
Freedom Fighter

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How I can delete the PunkBuster of my wolfy? Empty
PostSubject: Re: How I can delete the PunkBuster of my wolfy?   How I can delete the PunkBuster of my wolfy? Icon_minitime01/02/12, 08:51 pm

use this here
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How I can delete the PunkBuster of my wolfy?
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