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Due to the lag in the server, we will be moving the server to a new location.

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RTCW Master Server Is back!! Smile


 1 server provider

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PostSubject: 1 server provider   1 server provider Icon_minitime17/05/10, 04:38 pm

Hi all Smile didn't pay attention to this, but does 1 server runs directly in sandmod hoster ? Why i'm asking. Sand's guys said on their official site that they will be off the may 22 th. That means they will go to develop their mods on, but they won't host.
I know they didn't mail all clans that are hosted, for instance.
Now i can't, but if someone could ask to ateam if they know ??
Imagine, they switch off, nobody knows. .only servers that are hosted in others providers will be on, not those who are in sandmod's hoster.
Thanks guys Smile
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Freedom Fighter
Freedom Fighter

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PostSubject: Re: 1 server provider   1 server provider Icon_minitime17/05/10, 05:23 pm

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PostSubject: Re: 1 server provider   1 server provider Icon_minitime17/05/10, 09:01 pm

I forgot to precize that Squall from RR team shew me the source :

I hope ateam isn't concerned. If it is, they d better to find another hoster.

EDIT : thanks Storm Wink
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PostSubject: Re: 1 server provider   1 server provider Icon_minitime

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