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Due to the lag in the server, we will be moving the server to a new location.

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RTCW Master Server Is back!! Smile


 Rest In Peace Return to Castle Wolfenstein

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5 posters

Posts : 50

Rest In Peace Return to Castle Wolfenstein Empty
PostSubject: Rest In Peace Return to Castle Wolfenstein   Rest In Peace Return to Castle Wolfenstein Icon_minitime06/12/13, 01:43 am

This game is just about dead. It's almost always empty on the non-bot servers and the administrators left on other servers are a-holes like T!nyElvis, Kermit, and SS Wolf that have done their best to kill this game faster. I notice I don't look to play as much as I used to as well, and when I do, there are usually no more than 10 players in all the servers combines. The game is dead. In another 6 months to a years, it should be completely done with. It's a sad day and there really is no game like it. I will miss it. I played multi-player now for 8 years.
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Status : Honorably Discharged
TAG : ¯||FF||¯Kustom ***
Posts : 311

Rest In Peace Return to Castle Wolfenstein Empty
PostSubject: Re: Rest In Peace Return to Castle Wolfenstein   Rest In Peace Return to Castle Wolfenstein Icon_minitime07/12/13, 12:24 pm

There are other server more active than FF. Like Mob Fugaz and AoD fun.
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Posts : 58

Rest In Peace Return to Castle Wolfenstein Empty
PostSubject: Re: Rest In Peace Return to Castle Wolfenstein   Rest In Peace Return to Castle Wolfenstein Icon_minitime07/12/13, 01:08 pm

i will add here at kustom's list AoD DM but this server f is unique and all time will have some players playing here day or night it is normally this game to die because is very old (has 12 years) and less people know about this. I hope even 2-3 years to be some players to play it. And i think this game never. All will remain some server's .
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Posts : 46
Location : Bulgaria / Mp_Beach

Rest In Peace Return to Castle Wolfenstein Empty
PostSubject: Re: Rest In Peace Return to Castle Wolfenstein   Rest In Peace Return to Castle Wolfenstein Icon_minitime29/12/13, 06:07 am

Champion wrote:
This game is just about dead.  It's almost always empty on the non-bot servers and the administrators left on other servers are a-holes like T!nyElvis, Kermit, and SS Wolf that have done their best to kill this game faster.  I notice I don't look to play as much as I used to as well, and when I do, there are usually no more than 10 players in all the servers combines.  The game is dead.  In another 6 months to a years, it should be completely done with.  It's a sad day and there really is no game like it.  I will miss it.  I played multi-player now for 8 years.

You will miss what? Being banned from every server and forum? Very Happy
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Posts : 179
Location : NIEDAM WAM :D

Rest In Peace Return to Castle Wolfenstein Empty
PostSubject: Re: Rest In Peace Return to Castle Wolfenstein   Rest In Peace Return to Castle Wolfenstein Icon_minitime29/12/13, 08:39 pm

ME is never stoped play server!! f becouse like ahh
some ff need banned becouse using wall hack ( swan,elver )
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PostSubject: Re: Rest In Peace Return to Castle Wolfenstein   Rest In Peace Return to Castle Wolfenstein Icon_minitime

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Rest In Peace Return to Castle Wolfenstein
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