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 Abusive administrator kcplayer

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Posts : 50

Abusive administrator kcplayer Empty
PostSubject: Abusive administrator kcplayer   Abusive administrator kcplayer Icon_minitime18/07/16, 05:12 am

Who let this a$$hole kcplayer have administrator powers? He is an abusive scum bag. He forces you on his team when you don't want to play with him. He then threatens you because you speak your mind. He just banned me for 1 hour on the F server. The game is dying as it is, and with this piece of $hit kcplayer, it will die fully. Take away his administrator power before he kills the server completely. He keeps bothering you when you don't want to respond to his obnoxious and stupid responses. This a$$hole should not be an administrator.
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Abusive administrator kcplayer
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