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Due to the lag in the server, we will be moving the server to a new location.

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RTCW Master Server Is back!! Smile


 Hey! How longgggggggg. NEED HELP

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Posts : 1
Location : Spain

Hey! How longgggggggg. NEED HELP Empty
PostSubject: Hey! How longgggggggg. NEED HELP   Hey! How longgggggggg. NEED HELP Icon_minitime04/09/16, 02:55 am

Hi guys! How are you?
Today i connected my pc, when i saw the RTCW folder with the instalation files.
Gave me many memories, took several years without to play....
So install... and in the servers list don't see the famous ''Server FF''
only view other server as... deadmatch etc
What can i do?
I have to download any map?
some patch?
Thank for the support. I hope you do well...
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Posts : 30

Hey! How longgggggggg. NEED HELP Empty
PostSubject: Re: Hey! How longgggggggg. NEED HELP   Hey! How longgggggggg. NEED HELP Icon_minitime05/09/16, 05:51 pm

If you talking about the FF goldrush server , you can find it as F server.And it's in the master list.There's no other FF server nowadays. Apparently you do have the master list so you dont need any patch.Unless I understand wrong, you can download the game with master list included here : / click in rtcwmp_client and it will automatically download.Once it finish, just extract in a new folder and play.
Hope it helps.
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Hey! How longgggggggg. NEED HELP
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