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Due to the lag in the server, we will be moving the server to a new location.

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RTCW Master Server Is back!! Smile


 Suggestions for W@R server.

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2 posters

Posts : 30

Suggestions for W@R server. Empty
PostSubject: Suggestions for W@R server.   Suggestions for W@R server. Icon_minitime17/11/17, 11:41 pm

I've been playing lately in the server and I have notice a couple of things it could be improved , it would be really cool to share ideas or suggestions about what we could implement to the server to make it even better.

1 ) Disable shove or push ( shove to enemies , keep the shove to allies )

2 ) Disable double artillery , sometimes there is quite a lot of spam . Or limit the artilleries for some time ( 2 per 30 seconds for example )

Let me know what you think.

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Freedom Fighter
Freedom Fighter

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Suggestions for W@R server. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Suggestions for W@R server.   Suggestions for W@R server. Icon_minitime27/11/17, 06:11 pm

yes I tried to disable the double artillery with no success...
you know how?
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Posts : 30

Suggestions for W@R server. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Suggestions for W@R server.   Suggestions for W@R server. Icon_minitime01/12/17, 04:48 pm

I dont know but AoD Skull sent me this :

g_AirstrikeExplosionCount "0" // 0 = default double Explosion when bar is full, 1 = 1 Explosion,2 = 2 Explosion, etc

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Suggestions for W@R server. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Suggestions for W@R server.   Suggestions for W@R server. Icon_minitime

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