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Due to the lag in the server, we will be moving the server to a new location.

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RTCW Master Server Is back!! Smile


 Server 1 down?

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2 posters

TAG : ¯||FF||¯Wind ***
Posts : 7

Server 1 down? Empty
PostSubject: Server 1 down?   Server 1 down? Icon_minitime21/09/10, 11:49 am

hey guys :)i just wanna say that server 1 is not available for me (0 is same) i just wanna ask: its normal thing or i'm banned? 0_0 anyways if i got banned i can see  it in list.. or not?its little weird cos this shit is for 2 weeks or longer
good luck 4 all and thx for answers Smile
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Freedom Fighter
Freedom Fighter

Status : Active Member
TAG : ¯||FF||¯StoRm ***
Posts : 903

Server 1 down? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Server 1 down?   Server 1 down? Icon_minitime21/09/10, 01:43 pm

you can see it in the list even if you are banned.
server 1 had some problems and disappeared from the master list, the changed the port so you need to click on "get new list'

anyway you can connect manually or add it to favorites.
server ip is:
port: 27965

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Server 1 down?
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