Freedom Fighters Clan
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Freedom Fighters Clan

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Due to the lag in the server, we will be moving the server to a new location.

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RTCW Master Server Is back!! Smile


 Joining The Clan

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Joining The Clan Empty
PostSubject: Joining The Clan   Joining The Clan Icon_minitime02/04/10, 10:06 pm

1) You must meet the minimal age or older.
Your age must meet the minimal age that the clan set, at least, no less than that certain age.

2) Never been involved/banned for proven use of hack.
If you got banned anytime for proven use of hack, please DON'T request to be member in the clan then.

3) To be in this clan only (No Multiple clans).
If you want to be a member in this clan, you MUST leave any other of RTCW clans.
As a member of ¯||FF||¯ clan, you have to be only in ¯||FF||¯ clan.

4) No bad/harmful/racist names in tag.
The name you request to be used as your ¯||FF||¯ tag, has to be polite, without meanful sings.
No racist names, no badword names, no any kind of harmful names.

5) You must read and accept the membership rules.
click HERE and read the membership rules.

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Joining The Clan
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