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Due to the lag in the server, we will be moving the server to a new location.

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RTCW Master Server Is back!! Smile


 Return to Castle Wolfenstein & Wolf: ET server IP's

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4 posters
Retired Member

Status : Honorably Discharged
TAG : ¯||FF||¯Kustom ***
Posts : 311

Return to Castle Wolfenstein & Wolf: ET server IP's Empty
PostSubject: Return to Castle Wolfenstein & Wolf: ET server IP's   Return to Castle Wolfenstein & Wolf: ET server IP's Icon_minitime18/08/13, 12:06 pm

As you are all aware of, the master list for RtCW is gone. And many people are encountering difficulties in establishing an efficient & complete list of servers for Return to Castle Wolfenstein and the free downloadable expansion game, Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory. So i've taken the liberty of referencing all available servers on both RtCw and Wolf: ET for everyone to easily access. Smile


Server Name -*DbD*-ETNAM *Vietnam Mod* (Server IP: Located in Australia

Server Name -OZ-ETPUB *Xpsave*SYDNEY #1 (Server IP: Located in Australia

Server Name =[ZonE]=PUBLIC 3.2.6 I (Server IP: Located in Chile

Server Name [AFRO.CL] RTCW CHILE (Server IP: Located in Chile

Server Name FUN (Server IP: Located in Germany

Server Name sLuxx (Server IP: Located in Germany

Server Name AoDDM 1 (Server IP: Located in Germany

Server Name AoDDM 2 (Server IP: Located in Germany

Server Name AoDSc (Server IP: Located in Germany

Server Name AoDTJ (Server IP: Located in Germany

Server Name AutoMG42 (Server IP: Located in Germany

Server Name Elite.Dm (Server IP: Located in Germany

Server Namex ]Duel (Server IP: Located in Germany

Server Namex] fBeach (Server IP: Located in Germany

Server Namex ]OSP (Server IP: Located in Germany

Server Name x-labs GOLDRUSH (Server IP: Located in Germany

Server Name ***AllStars*** DEATHMATCH - by (Server IP: Located in Germany

Server Name 24/7 BeachServer (Server IP: Located in Germany

Server Name [!!!]Hirntot, 6 Map (Server IP: Located in Germany

Server Named Fw* OSP Server (Server IP: Located in Germany

Server Name E-S|Original-Maps XPS (Server IP: Located in Germany

Server Name F|A NOQUARTER XPS (Server IP: Located in Germany

Server Name ice Server - Hosted by idlaw (Server IP: Located in Germany

Server Name New IP: PS F&O (Server IP: Located in Germany

Server Name OSP Public Server - Hosted by idlaw (Server IP: Located in Germany

Server Name PMCG Burning-Place (Server IP: Located in Germany

Server Name Snuggle RTCW (Server IP: Located in Germany

Server Name|>B<|Bunker #2 Custom Maps (Server IP: Located in Germany

Server Name [[[Mad.4.wolF]]] - #barrysplanet (Server IP: Located in the UK

Server Name [[[Mad.4.wolF]]] - Game on! (Server IP: Located in the UK

Server Name :: RTCW LegacyCup (Server IP: Located in the UK

Server Name RtCW PuB (Server IP: Located in the UK

Server Name AvP1 (Server IP: Located in the Netherlands

Server Name +SoF|NoDownload (Server IP: Located in the Netherlands

Server Name a|FUN|.DTTServer (Server IP: Located in the Netherlands

Server Name .WAR|Clan. Recruiting (Server IP: Located in the Netherlands

Server Name #AxE|RECRUITING|XPS (Server IP: Located in the Netherlands

Server Name -=GER=-Rumpelbude (Server IP: Located in the Netherlands

Server Name .Cc|NoQuarter (Server IP: Located in the Netherlands

Server Name | v1.33 (Server IP: Located in the Netherlands

Server Name NOoBS ReVeNgE! (Server IP: Located in the Netherlands

Server Name QuickNet - RTCW 1.33 Alpha (Server IP: Located in the Netherlands

Server Name | CoD2 Server (Server IP: Located in the Netherlands

Server Name |999| Trickjump! by (Server IP: Located in the Netherlands

Server Name |FBI|Green ETJump (Server IP: Located in the Netherlands

Server Name |ToaK|Custom Maps Server (Server IP: Located in the Netherlands

Server Name |ToaK|Greenhorn 2 Server (Server IP: Located in the Netherlands

Server Name F (Server IP: Located in the US

Server Name PZ (Server IP: Located in the US

Server Name =WFL= Waffle House (Server IP: Located in the US

Server Name pr0blem? (Server IP: Located in the US

Server Name S4NDMOD.COM BEACH (Server IP: Located in the US

Server Name S4NDMOD.COM OMNI OSP (Server IP: Located in the US

Server Name S4NDMOD.COM USA (Server IP: Located in the US

Server Namer WcDeathmatch (Server IP: Located in the US

Server Name Wolf Palace XSTAB (Server IP: Located in the US

Server Name {MOB}}FugaZ!DM (Server IP: Located in the US

Server Name {MOB}}MaNsionDM (Server IP: Located in the US

Server Name ^5CROM FREEZE SUCKS (Server IP: Located in the US

Server Name #uscpmpickup CHI-CPM 1.48 (Server IP: Located in the US

Server Name ---trickjump--- (Server IP: Located in the US

Server Name -=KF=- NO QTR XP SAVE FOREVER (Server IP: Located in the US

Server Name -|*WF*|-RECRUITING,NOBOTS,XPSAVED (Server IP: Located in the US

Server Name 24/7 [*XXL -Killing Time-*] // (Server IP: Located in the US

Server Name silEnT (No Bots) (Server IP: Located in the US

Server Name A-Server UrT Open Game (Server IP: Located in the US

Server Name Defrag House of SDK (Server IP: Located in the US

Server Name Domino's Awsm Srvr (Server IP: Located in the US

Server Name ECGNetwork.Co 24/7 Beach (Server IP: Located in the US

Server Name Envious Gaming RTCW OSP (Server IP: Located in the US

Server Name GFU-Server! (Server IP: Located in the US

Server Name GIN (Server IP: Located in the US

Server Name Hostile.Reality XPSAVE (Server IP: Located in the US

Server Name Moved to (Server IP: Located in the US

Server Name NwO_OBJ_War_Room (Server IP: Located in the US

Server Name QAW Original Maps XP-Save ETpub (Server IP: Located in the US

Server Name R&R_XPsave_silEnT_mod (Server IP: Located in the US

Server Name TeaM CroSs:+:BreEd -Private- (Server IP: Located in the US

Server Name XpLo's Trickjump |ETJump 2.01 (Server IP: Located in the US

Server Name |>B<| B10 Day XP-Save (Server IP: Located in the US

Server Name |>B<|Bunker #1 PUB XP Save (Server IP: Located in the US

Some of these servers are from the Wolf 1.4 list.;7449 (RTCW Patch 1.4 (Windows) (Full);7450 (RTCW Patch 1.4 (Linux) (Full)

Please enjoy & have fun Very Happy

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Freedom Fighter
Freedom Fighter

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TAG : ¯||FF||¯StoRm ***
Posts : 903

Return to Castle Wolfenstein & Wolf: ET server IP's Empty
PostSubject: Re: Return to Castle Wolfenstein & Wolf: ET server IP's   Return to Castle Wolfenstein & Wolf: ET server IP's Icon_minitime18/08/13, 01:44 pm

thanks for this information Smile
(btw use easier English Very Happy)
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Retired Member

Status : Honorably Discharged
TAG : ¯||FF||¯Frances ***
Posts : 581
Location : Czech Republic

Return to Castle Wolfenstein & Wolf: ET server IP's Empty
PostSubject: Re: Return to Castle Wolfenstein & Wolf: ET server IP's   Return to Castle Wolfenstein & Wolf: ET server IP's Icon_minitime18/08/13, 07:43 pm

cheers Great!
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Retired Member

Status : Honorably Discharged
TAG : ¯||FF||¯Kustom ***
Posts : 311

Return to Castle Wolfenstein & Wolf: ET server IP's Empty
PostSubject: Re: Return to Castle Wolfenstein & Wolf: ET server IP's   Return to Castle Wolfenstein & Wolf: ET server IP's Icon_minitime19/08/13, 11:59 am

Storm wrote:
thanks for this information Smile
(btw use easier English Very Happy)
By speaking English all my life, that isn't possible lol! 
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Retired Member

Status : Honorably Discharged
TAG : ¯||FF||¯Frances ***
Posts : 581
Location : Czech Republic

Return to Castle Wolfenstein & Wolf: ET server IP's Empty
PostSubject: Re: Return to Castle Wolfenstein & Wolf: ET server IP's   Return to Castle Wolfenstein & Wolf: ET server IP's Icon_minitime19/08/13, 07:39 pm

Don't worry lol the rest of us will just practise with you. bounce 
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Freedom Fighter
Freedom Fighter

Status : Active Member
TAG : ¯||FF||¯Totoro ***
Posts : 686
Location : Mexico

Return to Castle Wolfenstein & Wolf: ET server IP's Empty
PostSubject: Re: Return to Castle Wolfenstein & Wolf: ET server IP's   Return to Castle Wolfenstein & Wolf: ET server IP's Icon_minitime20/08/13, 06:45 pm

Kustom wrote:
Storm wrote:
thanks for this information Smile
(btw use easier English Very Happy)
By speaking English all my life, that isn't possible lol! 
I think he means a more neutral english, since most of the members that are from other countries, are more familiar to the US english Smile Not the same as UK or AUS Smile Maybe you know what I mean.
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Return to Castle Wolfenstein & Wolf: ET server IP's Empty
PostSubject: Re: Return to Castle Wolfenstein & Wolf: ET server IP's   Return to Castle Wolfenstein & Wolf: ET server IP's Icon_minitime

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